- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Kim Rennie
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:27/02/14
Details: Photographed on Caxton Street in Westminster on 18th February 2014, EK59ZKL is one of two Iveco EuroCargo dustcarts acquired in late 2009. It had recently been given advertising on the bodyside, the main (poetic) text of which reads 'We are using the side of this truck to kindly remind you not to chuck your rubbish, when travelling around on bus, trains or underground'. The building in the background is Christchurch House, a low-rise neighbour to TfL's Windsor House, and built to the same architectural style. There are two vehicle entrances visible here, one of which appears to run right through to Windsor House.
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