- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Derek Everson
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:20/04/12
Details: 6445F was a somewhat non-standard Ford Transit van, having a high-roof on a medium wheelbase chassis. This configuration was common on LBSL vehicles but has only featured on two vans new to underground-related roles (6082F being the other). It is also curious for having 'disappeared', or at least not been reported, for all of 2011. Thought to be based at Northfields depot, it broke cover on 6th March 2012 when Derek found it at Smallbills Garage on Bollo Lane, Acton. Minus both rear wheels, it was evidently undergoing fairly heavy repairs. Note that since last being shown, the van has had its roof-rack removed.
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