- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Kim Rennie
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:03/11/11
Details: The most numerous 61-registered service vehicles so far have been Volkswagen Caddy crew vans, with two batches being leased for London Underground. 7118VW to 7128VW arrived in September (apart from 7126VW, which has yet to be reported) and seem to have made the lower yard at Lillie Bridge their home. This suggests that they have replaced Vauxhall Combo vans and perhaps some of the Ford Rangers. When Kim visited on 26th October 2011, nine of the vans were present, including this line up headed by 7118VW. A second batch started arriving in October, with numbers 7149VW to 7153VW reported so far. These also work out of Lillie Bridge but are presumably parked elsewhere in the complex.
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