- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Thomas Young
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:05/10/11
Details: A peer inside Tottenham Garage on 1st October 2011 finds the usual gaggle of Vauxhall Corsa cars present. These cars are nominally based at Lea Valley Garage but do seem to pay frequent visits here. The furthest pair are from the most recent batch, with smaller fleetnumbers (re-using the numbers of the cars they replaced) and lighter silver bodywork. Also just visible in this photograph is ERF tanker V352DFA. This replaced 4-axle Foden YLX794X in 2007 as the contingency tanker, for use if normal fuel supplies are disrupted. It has very rarely (if ever) been used, and is usually hidden behind the screens either side of its parking bay.
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