- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Glyn Matthews
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:11/02/11
Details: The nature of service vehicle work can produce some slightly misleading statistics. For example, I have listed over 60 vehicles as being allocated to Griffith House. However, since the closure of the yard there, most days there will only be one or two vehicles present (and these will be hidden behind the habitually closed shutter doors). The rest of the vehicles are kept elsewhere, only appearing at Griffith House in the late evening before heading off to overnight worksites. Ford Transit 6740F is one of these vehicles, and it was photographed somewhat further afield at South Ockendon on 9th September 2010, presumably close to its driver's home. This SWB low-roof crew van was new in anonymous white/blue livery in July 2009, gaining Underground branding early the following year.
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