- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Malcolm Conway
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:02/01/10
Details: When I saw this photo I thought 'Ah yes, I know about this one'. But a check of the database showed that we had vans M447OKP and M449OKP but not M448OKP! Like the other two, it is a long-wheelbase, mid-height Mk5 Ford Transit van operated by London Central. Notably (and like M449OKP) it has lettering indicating it was on contract to South London. This seems a curious arrangement, as the two companies were in separate ownership by then. Equally, the photos suggest they actually worked mainly for London Central. For example, this photo was taken at the Prince of Wales bus stand on the Harrow Road on 29th August 1999. This location was served by London Central's route 36. The photo was taken during Notting Hill Carnival weekend, as evidenced by the First Centrewest Metrobus on one of the extra routes provided at these times.
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