- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Kim Rennie
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:15/09/09
Details: Here is another view of the engineering train Kim found at Plaistow on the 1st of August 2009. On the left are the two parts of one of the DISAB ballast vacuum. As already described (here and here), these vehicles are used to treat wet spots in the track bed. The business end comprises a large hose on an articulated arm, which is thought to be manually 'dipped' into the ballast in much the same way as gully emptiers work. However, in this view the hose is horizontal (just in front of the signal), perhaps because it was about to be stowed. To the right are the pair of GP series wagons that normally work with the DISABs. The nearest one has a hydraulic crane (for unloading bags of ballast). At the far end is battery loco L22. In the background can be seen the Ford van dealership. Service vehicles have sometimes been seen in the yard here, either awaiting delivery or repair.
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