- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Kim Rennie
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:19/06/09
Details: This photo taken at Ruislip Depot on 12th June 2009 includes no fewer than six cranes, or seven if you count both the twin jibs on track relayer TRM628 on the left! Despite its sun-bleached appearance, this is actually the newest vehicle in the picture, having been built by Cowans Boyd in 1993. Similar TRM627 was illustrated last month. C623 and C624 are single-jib cranes built by Cowans Sheldon in the 1980s. Part of a third similar crane (either C625 or C626) is just visible above TRM628. Finally, raised in the background are the jibs of the two road cranes, F561KNL on the left and the unidentified example on the right.
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