- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Kim Rennie
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:12/05/09
Details: We end today with another track tamper, again taken at Ruislip Depot on 21st March 2009. TMM773 is one of three Plasser and Theurer 07-16 Universal tampers delivered in 1980. The 07-16 was in production from the early 1970s and British Rail bought 80 along with similar-looking 07-275 and 07-32 models. The London Transport examples differed in being built to tube gauge, the design allowing for this by having all the equipment mounted low down below the raised main frames. As such, the main differences were in the cabs and the height of the end frames. TMM773 now has TransPlant fleetnames and appears to have been named Alan Jenkins.
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Kevin BullionsFor the record, Alan Jenkins was a long time tamper operator in Trans Plant and 773 was very much his machine, when he unfortunately died, the, then, recently refurbed 773 was taken by lorry to Tilbury FC were it was named by his widow (Alan being a loyal Tilbury fan!)Tue 19/05/09, 11:41