- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Colin Lloyd
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:15/03/09
Details: This Ford Transit was caught passing Hammersmith Station on 13th February 2009. Apart from the unusual lettering (slightly reminiscent of the Workforce advertising of the 1980s), the most notable feature of this van is that it appears to be a low-roof body on a medium wheelbase chassis, a combination not previously available. The difference between the two lengths is just over a foot, but this is disguised by the fact that the length of the side doors remains in proportion. The best giveaway is the slightly longer gap between the back of the side door and the front of the rear wheelarch. Also notable is that the van was registered in Yorkshire, perhaps by the same company that provided the Staff Welfare conversion Transits.
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