- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Kim Rennie
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:15/07/07
Details: Among the many fire brigade and ambulance vehicles that attended the derailment at Mile End on 5th July 2007 were two of the 'New Dimension' rescue appliances ordered by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and allocated to fire brigades across the country. Based on MAN TGA chassis, these have Multilift hoisting gear to load and unload specialised bodies or 'pods'. Kind of like Thunderbird 4! WX54VPT is numbered PM124 and is based at East Ham. It was carrying a container-like pod numbered USAR1 003 when photographed.
Comments (Most recent at top)
Posted ByCommentsDate/Time
Kim RennieThe 21st Century equivelant of the Civil Defence Corps or Auxiliary Fire Service!Mon 13/08/07, 19:55