- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Kim Rennie
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:15/07/07
Details: An unusual vehicle found attending the derailment at Mile End on 5th July 2007 was this VW LT35 van with labels for 'London Underground Emergency Water Supply Vehicle'. The style of the bodywork suggests that this is to transport bottled water for passengers to drink rather than any other purpose. The remnants of a previous operator's livery show that this van must have been acquired second-hand, and it is thought that it is kept at Baker Street (without its detachable signs) when not needed.
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Kim RennieThis refrigerated vehicle is hired-in by CDS for the summer months and normally 'stands by' at Selbie House, Baker Street holding supplies of bottled water. The labels appear to be magnetic and applied when required. In the 'good old days' the task would presumably have been given to LT Catering.
Note: Edited by Kim Rennie, 16/07/07, 20:50.
Mon 16/07/07, 14:50