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Location details
Name:Hammersmith Trolleybus Depot
Type:Tram/Trolleybus Depot
Dates:1908 - 7/1966
Stats and links
Current allocation: 0 
All vehicles allocated: 14 *
Sightings logged: 11
Photos at location: 0 
Previous location: Hammersmith Depot 
Next location: Hammersmith, Butterwick 
* Quantities may not be accurate pending completion of the history inputting project

User Comments (Most recent at top) Log-in to add your own comments
Comments could include historical notes, advice on how to find the location, or personal recollections.
Posted ByCommentsDate/Time
DamonThe last remains of the depot were demolished by 14/06/1980. The adjacent Cunard Hotel was then extended over the site.Sat 22/02/2014, 22:59
DamonAlbert Stanley (D.R.) Institute located at Great Church Lane by 1949.Sat 14/12/2013, 19:01
Damon43 Great Church Lane, W6Sat 14/12/2013, 18:48
RayThe depot was on the east side of Butterwick and was used by BEA coaches once the trolleys left on 19/7/1960. It was previously the site of Hammersmith Tram depot, trolleys operating from 12/9/1937. The depot was slowly reduced in size with the north end going first then the remainder being replaced by a hotel. Fri 10/08/2007, 21:05

There are no photos taken at
this location.