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Forum Post
Forum: Vehicles
Topic: Bus Company

Stagecoach SVs on web site
Mon 06/03/06, 12:26
4 Replies
Ray entered a note about Stagecoach SVs, with the info apparently taken from their web site. I haven't had a look at this but some of the details appear to be wrong. M809SYL probably refers to M809YSL, while M938SYN could mean M938WSN. I should also mention that I do not include cars such as company director's cars (unless of course they have a logo on!). As the recent picture of the Metrobus Ford Galaxy shows that these are lettered, I will be adding them shortly.
Unmarked vans are fair game if they are confirmed as SVs.
Note: Posting edited by Thomas Young, 06/03/06, 12:27.

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Stagecoach Website
Thu 09/03/06, 09:40
Thanks for the link Ray. This is in fact the same document that I get sent to me, and it does list a number of executive cars. It's a pity none of the other bus companies go this level of detail!

Stagecoach website
Wed 08/03/06, 21:18
I just followed it through via Stagecoach London It is updated every four weeks (mainly for bus transfers) the last being period 11 to 6th February (so may have a later one today!)
It appears to be on
Note: Reply edited by Ray, 08/03/06, 21:18.

SV data from web sites
Wed 08/03/06, 20:56
Hi Ray. I think getting info from other web sites is a good idea and would be interested in where the Stagecoach info was. The irony with Stagecoach is that the existing SV info here came from their official printed fleet lists. Why their web site lists different vehicles is a mystery!

Testing the water
Mon 06/03/06, 15:58
The half dozen entries were made to see whether the info on websites was a 'source' of information that could be used. Obviously the vehicles were 'selected' specifcally to gain a response.
Without seeing the vehicles I cannot state what, if any, i.d. they have. I appreciate that all 'general' use vehicles you already show under the appropriate fleet numbers - which are not shown on the Stagecoach website.
Note: Reply edited by Ray, 06/03/06, 15:59.