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Forum Post
Forum: Vehicles
Topic: LT Leased 5000-5999

5425V - Registration Query
Wed 18/01/06, 19:50
2 Replies
I noticed today that 5425V is shown as regn LK52KAO, but also includes a Note ' or LK52KAU'. On my last trip to London, 15th November '05, I noted at Griffith House LK52KAU (no type), which until now I assumed to be a privately owned vehicle. Has anyone else any info on this vehicle ? Has it been recorded elsewhere with either registation ? Can anyone throw any light on it, please ?

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Fri 20/01/06, 17:11
Steve - Coincidence or what ? but thanks for that. I have actually looked again at some pictures taken the same day I was at GHO, by Clive Greedus, & I realise now having mapped out some registrations on that day, that LK52 KA 'U', must have been a private vehicle. It appears to be, from a small part of the regn only, a maroon saloon. I will have to try harder in future ! Cheers again - John

Thu 19/01/06, 18:18
John, By coincidence, the white/blue Vauxhall Combo van registered LK52KAO passed me at some speed at about 1.30am this morning in Bollo Lane, Acton. I believe this to be 5425V. I do not recall seeing LK52KAU but will look out for this whenever I'm around Griffith House and will post any details if I see it. Regards Steve