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Forum Post
Forum: Vehicles
Topic: Members queries

Req: Mercedes-Benz Recovery Truck - L100JMH
Wed 04/01/06, 09:11
4 Replies
Perhaps someone could help me with this, please. On my last trip to London on 15th November '05, I saw what might have been this SV parked up near Hyde Park Corner, in the centre of the road. I rather dismissed it as apart from being all red, it had no other markings. From the pictures it appeared to gain its London Buses scheme in December. I was passing the location on a coach, & could not get any registration. In view of it being photgraphed at Victoria & Park Lane,has anyone seen this vehicle in this location previously, & therefore is it likely this was the vehicle I saw, please?
My Thanks in Advance - John L-M in Leeds
Note: Posting edited by John Lloyd-Martin, 11/01/06, 09:15.

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L100 JMH
Wed 15/02/06, 14:10
Vehicle parked at Hyde Park Corner today (15/2/06) around 11.20am

Sat 11/02/06, 20:33
L100JMH spent the afternoon at Victoria Bus Station today. At lunchtime a man got out of the cab and walked across to Sovereign Recovery's van EF03HKJ and drove off. This would seem to suggest that this rather splendid recovery truck belongs to Sovereign Recovery. Got some nice pictures of it too!

Sat 14/01/06, 11:50
Steve, Many thanks for that. I am now virtually certain this was the vehicle I saw. It certainly seems to be a regular visitor to the Hyde Park area. Cheers again. John
Note: Reply edited by John Lloyd-Martin, 14/01/06, 11:51.

Thu 12/01/06, 20:45
John, In case it helps, the truck was parked on that stand today. I also saw it on 10th December when it passed me at Hyde Park Corner but I'm not sure whether it went on the stand that day. Regards Steve