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Forum Post
Forum: Vehicles
Topic: LT Leased 5000-5999

Recent LBSL vans
Tue 06/12/05, 09:47
9 Replies
11 VW Transporter High Roof Vans have now been reported in LBSL use, presumably filling the range 5668-5678VW. However, three were reported without numbers. Please keep an eye out for RA54HXT, RA54VWD (last seen at Kingston) and RE05DTZ (last seen at Thornton Heath). The missing numbers should be 5670VW, 5676VW and 5677VW.
With the batch of Mercedes-Benz Sprinters that followed these, we seem to be short of at least one. BN55DXH and BN55DXK may be 5798M and 5796M if the logic of the numbering sequence is retained (some chance!), but that still leaves 5799M as unidentified.

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Replies (Most recent at top)
Bus Station audit - still on the cards
Thu 23/03/06, 13:41
I still intend to set a date to check as many bus stations as possible, but its been so cold recently!

Thu 02/02/06, 16:10
I'm game ..if it's a day when I'm not working. I can go anywhere you want me to. Damon.

Wed 01/02/06, 20:14
I'd be quite happy to join in covering whatever area would assist the overall aim.

LBSL vans - time for an audit?
Wed 01/02/06, 11:50
It seems likely that the last of the Movanos should have been replaced by know. Please let me know if you see any still going.
An idea I had was to propose an audit of bus station SVs! Perhaps we could nominate a day (preferrably at the weekend) and try and cover as many bus stations as possible. If anyone is interested let me know. I can do South East London at least.
Note: Reply edited by Thomas Young, 01/02/06, 11:55.

LBSL vans
Sun 22/01/06, 22:27
And then another Sprinter appeared from Acton Works as 5802M (suggesting there's probably a 5801M out there too). At the same time Movano 5208V drove into Acton - I thought perhaps for the last time - but it left again later so may still be in use (at Edgware?) There was still a Movano in Kingston Bus Station on the same day, 20/01/2006, number not known but probably 5210V.

Wed 04/01/06, 18:51
This van was at KCB today. Although I was not very close to it, it appeared to carry number 5672VW. I have not seen the other vehicle claiming that number, RA54VWM, so cannot shed any further light on the issue. Movano 5210V was also still at KCB.

5796M is BN55DXK
Sun 18/12/05, 21:53
This van was at Eltham yesterday (pictures to follow) so it could be presumed that BN55DXH is indeed 5798M. We shall see! A visit to Kingston today failed to locate Transporter RA54VWD, although Movano 5210V (Y441SLD) was there. Reports of other surviving Movanos would be appreciated.

And then there were 12
Sun 11/12/05, 12:10
It now turns out that 5670VW is RE05DUA, so there are at least 12 in this batch of 11! Presumably a separate number has been allocated to one of the three regs mentioned.

Tue 06/12/05, 23:15
This one was seen in Bollo Lane Acton today and certainly had no number on the nearside. It did however carry some reference to Infrastructure which I have not seen on others...