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Forum Post
Forum: Vehicles
Topic: LT Leased 5000-5999

New Renault Kangoos with mixed-up numbers
Tue 08/11/05, 23:33
2 Replies
Seen at Acton works in late October, three new Renault Kangoo estates in white/blue carried fleetnumbers already claimed by Ford Transit minibuses. Until further reports are received, they will be listed here only. 5714 (YG55NXO), 5715 (YG55NXR) and 5716 (YK55KZY). 5714 had a Metronet logo, the others had none.

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New Kangoos now in the database
Thu 29/12/05, 11:32
So that sightings etc can be logged, I have added the three recent Kangoos as un-numbered vehicles. At present, the database cannot handle more than one CDS vehicle with the same fleetnumber, something I will consider revising at the next upgrade!
To find the Kangoos quickly, I suggest you enter Kangoo in the Search for Text box on the Fleet Data Options page.
The trio appear to be allocated to the Central Line, most likely replacing Ford Focus Estates 5255-5257F.

One new Kangoo in use
Thu 10/11/05, 18:19
''5715'' viz. YG55NXR was noted parked outside Shepherds Bush Central Line station on 9/11/05. It was carrying a Metronet logo - and its incorrect number - on the offside at least.
Note: Reply edited by Steve Howard, 10/11/05, 18:20.