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Forum Post
Forum: Web Site
Topic: FAQs

I keep getting Page Expired messages
Wed 07/09/05, 00:35
1 Reply
Due to the way this web site works, you will sometimes get a Page Expired message when you try to use the back button. There is no easy way to get around this as the following example shows.
On page 1 you select Bedford and click a link. Your selection is passed as a variable telling the database to show Bedfords on page 2. You then click a link on page 2 to see picture number 985. This is displayed on page 3. If you then use the back button to return to page 2, the variable that had been selected will not be known, hence the error.
Clicking the refresh button should get the data you had back.

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This may help when navigating around the site
Thu 12/01/06, 10:15
I know it can be frustrating when you navigate to a set of data or pictures and then click on a link for details, only to not be able to go back to the same set afterwards. Well, there is an easy way around this. Right-click on the link and select Open in New Window. When you are done looking at the details, picture or whatever, close the new window and you will be back at the first one. Brilliant!
I chose not to make the links open new windows by default when designing the site as this may have caused problems with pop-up blockers.