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Forum Post
Forum: Web Site
Topic: Diary of a Webmaster

Will this web site ever be launched?!
Wed 07/09/05, 00:30
3 Replies
Well, we're into September now and I completely failed to update the old site last month. But, there's lots of good news.
In terms of design, most of the outstanding tasks can be left for future upgrades. The core functions work, and I have added a few extras like a search facility on the forum, and a summary of all recent data changes so that you can see what has been added.
Two big jobs remain to be completed, image upload and data preparation.
Uploading 985 jpg files by dial-up is no small task, and I am managing about 100 per night. The data preparation is also progressing well. The aim is to have all the info in a database. This is then exported to a text file and then imported into the web database. Sounds odd? That's the way it works! I am currently inputting allocation histories, as this is one element that I did not already have. Most of the rest is a matter of ensuring the structure of the two databases match up.
The bottom line is WHEN. I would hope to have some volunteers testing the site around the middle of this month, with a proper launch towards the end. Perhaps a 1st October data would be appropriate given that that was the date that the first incarnation of LTSV came out.

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Testing again
Sun 11/09/05, 20:27

Sun 11/09/05, 10:48

Hey! The site is up.
Sun 11/09/05, 00:26
I have registered as Tester.