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< Previous Vehicle (EYK371) (EYK373) Next Vehicle >

NumberRegDescriptionChassis No.Body No.
 EYK372 Austin 14/6 Saloon Car  FRA40443  

Into Stock28/10/1938 Licensed from01/11/1938 
FromCar Mart Limited 
Out of Stock 15/10/1951 Licensed until00/00/1951 
ToBraemar Motors Ltd, Kingsbury 
LiveryBlack & Green 
Allocation n/a 

Notes Log-in to add your own notes.Added byOn

28/10/1938Into stock Chiswick Works   Vehicle Record Card 
01/11/1938transferred & licensed Reigate Garage  Pool  Vehicle Record Card 
07/01/1939Transferred Broadway, Westminster  Pool Car (CB&C)  Vehicle Record Card 
16/09/1939Transferred Broadway, Westminster  n/a To Mr Pick Vice Chairman. Ex Broadway Pool. Swapped with FXT169 LT Miscellaneous Vehicles Advice Book 
06/06/1940Transferred Broadway, Westminster  The Chairman Lord Ashfield ex Mr Pick LT Miscellaneous Vehicles Advice Book 
21/08/1940Transferred Victoria (Gillingham Street) Garage  Pool ex Chairman. VRC 'Victoria' LT Miscellaneous Vehicles Advice Book 
11/09/1940Transferred Unknown  Engineer-in-Chief  Vehicle Record Card 
15/01/1941Transferred Victoria (Gillingham Street) Garage  Chief Engineer (Bus & Coach) Pool ex Engineer-in-Chief. Replaced by EYK368. VRC 'Victoria' LT Miscellaneous Vehicles Advice Book 
17/02/1941Transferred Victoria (Gillingham Street) Garage  Chief Engineer (Bus & Coach) Pool ex Chief Engineer (Bus & Coach), VRC 'Victoria' LT Miscellaneous Vehicles Advice Book 
06/06/1942Transferred Turnham Green Garage  Spare ex Victoria, Broadway Pool LT Miscellaneous Vehicles Advice Book 
08/06/1943Transferred Reigate Garage  n/a ex Turnham Green, Spare LT Miscellaneous Vehicles Advice Book 
01/01/1944Delicensed and transferred Turnham Green Garage n/a ex Reigate Pool LT Miscellaneous Vehicles Advice Book 
10/03/1944Relicensed and transferred Reigate Garage  Pool ex Turnham Green (unlicensed) LT Miscellaneous Vehicles Advice Book 
23/05/1946Transferred Turnham Green Garage  Spare ex Reigate, Country Operating Manager. Replaced by BXD625 LT Miscellaneous Vehicles Advice Book 
20/07/1951Withdrawn and transferred Aldenham Works Reserve ex Turnham Green LT Miscellaneous Vehicles Advice Book 
15/10/1951Sold n/a  n/a ex Aldenham LT Miscellaneous Vehicles Advice Book 

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Date Added to Database
15/05/2020Licensing date/s updated Ray
15/05/2020Licensing details & disposal added Ray
25/09/2012Improved date out Thomas Young