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< Previous Vehicle (DLU310) (DYL913) Next Vehicle >

NumberRegDescriptionChassis No.Body No.
 DYL912 Hillman Humber Pullman Car  25/67402  

Into Stock10/06/1937 Licensed from11/06/1937 
Out of Stock 05/09/1952 Licensed untiln/a 
ToKirby Motors, Poplar 
LiveryBlack # 
Allocation n/a 

Notes Log-in to add your own notes.Added byOn
Limousine 7 seats and partitionRay14/05/2020

10/06/1937New into stock Chiswick Works  Private car  Vehicle Record Card 
11/06/1937Licensed Chiswick Works  Private car 14/6/1937 with Mr Pitts  Vehicle Record Card 
23/02/1938Transferred Reigate Garage  General Manager Country Buses & Coaches  Vehicle Record Card 
03/05/1940Transferred Reigate Garage  General Manager (Operation) Country  Vehicle Record Card 
21/08/1940Transferred Reigate Garage  Pool ex Oper (D) LT Miscellaneous Vehicles Advice Book 
17/02/1941Delicensed and transferred Unknown Reserve ex Chief Engineer (Bus & Coach) LT Miscellaneous Vehicles Advice Book 
26/02/1941Transferred Reigate Garage  Chief Engineer (Bus & Coach)  Vehicle Record Card 
21/01/1944Transferred Old Kent Road Garage n/a ex Reigate  LT Miscellaneous Vehicles Advice Book 
01/10/1945Relicensed and transferred Reigate Garage  General Manager (Country) ex Old Kent Road (unlicensed). Shown as GM (Ctry). Could be Garage Manager? LT Miscellaneous Vehicles Advice Book 
01/05/1946Transferred Vandon Street, Westminster  General Manager (Road Services) ex Reigate, OM (Country). Swapped with BLH798 LT Miscellaneous Vehicles Advice Book 
03/05/1946Transferred Nunhead Garage  Deputy General Manager (Road Services) ex General Manager (Road Services). Replacement for BXD525 LT Miscellaneous Vehicles Advice Book 
01/09/1948Withdrawn and transferred Chiswick Works n/a ex Deputy GM (RS) LT Miscellaneous Vehicles Advice Book 
03/09/1948transferred & licensed Broadway, Westminster  Chairman For Lord Latham Vehicle Record Card 
30/06/1951Transferred Broadway, Westminster  Broadway Pool  Vehicle Record Card 
20/07/1951Transferred Broadway, Westminster  Chief Engineer ex Broadway Pool. Replacement for BLH799. Non-contiguous LT Miscellaneous Vehicles Advice Book 
03/08/1951Transferred Broadway, Westminster  n/a To Mr Grainger, ex Mr Groom-Johnson (?). Swapped with BXD525 LT Miscellaneous Vehicles Advice Book 
22/07/1952Withdrawn and transferred Aldenham Works Reserve ex Mr Grainger. Replaced by MXX494 LT Miscellaneous Vehicles Advice Book 
05/09/1952Sold n/a  n/a ex Aldenham LT Miscellaneous Vehicles Advice Book 

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Date Added to Database
14/05/2020Licensing date/s updated Ray
13/05/2020livery & supplier added Ray