- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Andrew Lidinson
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:25/09/21
Details: The use of flash while photographing service vehicles at night is obviously only appropriate at certain locations. It should, for example, never be used near moving vehicles. Harcourt Street (near Griffith House) is a quiet road where numerous service vehicles can be found parked at night, and flash can fairly safely be used. On 7th September 2021 Andrew found Ford Fiesta van 8355F there. The allocation at Griffith House is dominated by Renault Kangoo Maxi vans, along with a number of Ford Fiesta cars and vans, Ford Transit Customs and VW Caddy vans. As has been mentioned many times, the 'allocated' vehicles are not actually kept at this location, but can be found parked nearby at the start of each night shift.
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