- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Julian Bowden-Green
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:01/06/21
Details: No fewer than 138 London Transport service vehicles were given registrations in the AMLxxxH series in 1969/1970, though this number was inflated by the inclusion of 22 older lorries that had run on trade plates until the rules on their use were changed. The fifth AML/H registration to feature in today's batch of photos is AML767H, carried by Ford D800 tipper truck 1590F. As will be evident, there was no attempt made to match registration numbers to fleetnumbers, this practice only starting in 1973. The quantity of tipper trucks operated by LT was in decline at the time, perhaps as more civil engineering projects were being contracted out. 12 Ford Thames Trader tippers had been bought in 1961/1962, but just three Ford D-series tippers replaced them in the early 1970s, themselves replaced by a further three about nine years later. Most of the tippers were based at Parsons Green Works, and 1590F was photographed having just left there on 25th April 1977, with part of the buildings just visible before the railway bridge on the left.
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