- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Bob Milner
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:22/05/21
Details: Stagecoach London's Plumstead Garage now has a new engineering support van. Ford Transit Custom van MJ20UVH appears to have been new in autumn 2020, though it was not positively identified until Bob photographed it outside its home garage on 15th May 2021. Ironically Ray also submitted a photo taken at the same place on the following day. This van has replaced YE15EEU, which had been notable for arriving about a year before further vans were delivered for the group's other garages. As such, can we expect to see more new vans later this year? Another perhaps interesting point is that the new van is low-roof, whereas all the earlier examples were high-roof. Finally, note the revised Stagecoach 'beachball' logo on the van, compared to the earlier version on the bus on the right. It always amuses me when corporate organisations announce new branding which seems to only minutely differ from that used before. To be fair, the new Stagecoach logo was part of a wider scheme, with the livery on their buses outside London being rather radically changed.
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