- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Simon Dixon
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:22/05/21
Details: Now it is Nissan van LO19MUE's turn for a second appearance on LTSV, though in this case there are a couple of reasons for the repeat. First seen in August 2019, it had lettering that suggested it was run by Abellio. However, it transpired that it was actually operated by a contractor, which explained the original 'Working in Partnership' lettering. It was photographed again on 29th April 2021 at the London Gateway Services (previously known as Scratchwood) on the M1, by which time its lettering had been amended. A large Buses roundel now features on the mid-panel, while the rear panel has a web address for RGI Bus and Coach Refurbishment, a company set up in Southam (Warwickshire) in 2016 and specialising in bus refurbishment and re-selling. Below this, the fleetname has been changed from Abellio to 'London Rail Replacement, Part of Abellio London Bus', together with an LRR logo, though the lettering on the rear appears to be as before. I have not heard of LRR before but, being part of Abellio, it is presumably not responsible for all railway replacement services in London.

The livery around the front of the van had been modified, with yellow now applied to the previously red parts below the grille. However, I chose to use this rear view because it shows that the base colour of the van is actually white. This can also be seen in the gaps between the vinyl panels around the front wheelarches, while looking again at the earlier photo it appears as though the roof might also be white. Presumably most of the red parts are actually vinyls.

One thing that remains unknown is where this van is based. Photos on the RGI website suggest that it does sometimes visit the Warwickshire base. Perhaps it only comes down to London at weekends (when most rail replacement services run), in which case do we need to add a new location for Southam??
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