- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Andrew Lidinson
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:22/05/21
Details: Quite a few of today's photos show vehicles which have already featured on LTSV not too long ago, though there is usually a reason for adding the second photos. In the case of this white minibus, a view of the nearside published in April suggested that it was now unmarked. Andrew's photo above, taken on Therapia lane in Beddington on 1st May 2021, shows that the vehicle does retain a small part of the lettering it originally had as a Metrobus vehicle. RE13CJY had been withdrawn as time-expired in early 2020 but seems to have been reinstated, perhaps in response to the need for additional crew ferry vehicles to enable social distancing. The yellow stripe was added at around this time, while the red/yellow chevrons on the rear are also not part of the original livery.
Comments (Most recent at top)
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LidinsonSaw this again, at the same place, a few days later. It remains unmarked on the nearside!Sat 22/05/21, 21:28