- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Derek Everson
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:18/02/21
Details: The switch to a light grey livery for London Transport lorries was said to be due to Ford not being willing to supply vehicles in primer, nor in factory-finished 'Chiswick' green. For a time, lorries delivered in grey did have some green paint applied, but only to the cab roofs. The colour used is usually referred to as 'light green', though this view taken at Chiswick Works on 14th August 1975 makes me think that it was actually the traditional 'Chiswick' green. Note that on this lorry, the bolster has also been painted green. The FORD lettering on the front, which was normally black or unpainted metal, has been overpainted in white. 1583F was a Ford D550 dropside lorry new in February 1970 and based at Chiswick Works for most of its 12 years with LT.
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