- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Ray Monk
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:01/02/21
Details: Here is another Acton Works car park photo that I didn't use at the time, expecting there to be plenty of later photos of this car 'in the wild'. 9103N was one of four Nissan Leaf electric cars delivered in August 2020 in TfL white/blue livery. Despite this, they have been allocated to bus stations, or at least some of them have. 9101/2/3N have all been noted at Turnpike Lane Bus Station, while 9100N has not been seen since it left Acton Works. We expected it to go to Eltham to replace veteran KE14FJO, but anything is possible...
The other vehicles visible in this 22nd August photo are rare Toyota Prius+ 8692T, VW Caddy Maxi 8909VW, Nissan Leaf 9102N, TfL Compliance VW minibus 8598VW and former LBSL IRU 7882M.
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