- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Derek Everson
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:01/02/21
Details: During the lockdowns, access to the BCA (British Car Auctions) on-line information about vehicles being offered for sale has been unavailable, hence I am relying on other sources to determine which vehicles have been disposed of. The DVLA licensing data is the first port-of-call, but the Wheels Van Centre website has also been found to be useful. They have handled a variety of former service vehicles over the past few years, and their easy-to-use website features multiple photographs (including interior views) of all vehicles. I won't be publishing their photos of course, but Derek visited the Stanwell premises on 24th November 2020 and found three former LBSL IRUs being prepared for sale. On the left was 7868M, which spent time at various north London locations, while the other two were 7862M and 7882M (both from Acton).
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