- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Derek Everson
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:01/02/21
Details: We have got used to Ray capturing views of groups of newly-delivered service vehicles on his visits to Acton Works, but here is the equivalent from the 1970s. Seen at Chiswick Works on 30th May 1973 were a number of red Ford Escort estate cars, with 1799F to the fore and 1800F behind. London Transport used all the registrations in the block MGX901L to MGX998L on service vehicles, of which 76 went on Ford Escorts. Vans and estates were for the numbered fleet, while the 'private car' fleet got saloons. 1799F and 1800F were destined to become inspector's 'radio control' cars, forming part of the fourth generation of such. They would have been fitted with the illuminated roof roundels removed from the preceding batch (1729F-1747F) before entering service in June. One oddity I noticed was that 1799F has mirrors fitted to the wings only, while the remainder appear to have additional mirrors on the doors.
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