- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Derek Everson
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:14/01/21
Details: Metroline has settled on the Ford Transit Connect as its standard van model since 2009, and has operated almost 50 of the type. A large batch of 10 were acquired in 2015 and these were all withdrawn towards the end of 2020. AY15LHO was one of the 'lesser-spotted' examples and I'm not sure where it had been based. On 18th August 2020 it was found parked at the CELF in Perivale, perhaps awaiting disposal. A batch of replacement Connects was taken in mid-2020, though only 7 have so far been identified. One slightly notable feature of the Metroline Connects is that all apart from the first 7 have been registered in Ipswich, with registrations starting in AV, AW, AX or AY. The lettering on the number plate of AY15LHO shows that it came from John Grose of Ipswich.
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