- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: James Mair
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:08/12/20
Details: Following the adoption in 1982 of a new fleetnumber series (from 3000 upwards) for leased service vehicles, there was a fairly clear split between the two fleets. Cars and small vans went in the leased series, while heavy lorries remained in the original series. For some mid-sized types the distinction was less defined. Most Ford Transits were in the leased fleet, but a few were given 'owned' numbers. For the Sherpa vans, the split seems to have been based on the size. After 1982, Sherpas to the original size (later known as Sherpa 200s) were added to the leased fleet. However, a larger variant was later introduced (badged as Freight Rover Sherpa 300s or 400s), and several of these joined the 'owned' fleet in the 1980s. 2423L was one of a pair of 350 vans acquired in spring 1985. Similar 2422L lasted for almost 12 years, was displayed at one of the Chiswick Works open days and was later repainted from grey to white/blue. By contrast, 2423L only survived for a little over three years, being withdrawn in 1988. Fortunately, James (again) managed to catch it, the only photographs I have seen being a couple taken by him at a murky (and muddy) Pinner Station. This was during the construction of the supermarket on the station approach road. Note the slightly impractical use of white transfers for the fleetnumbers and department lettering.
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