- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Colin Lloyd
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:07/04/20
Details: Another small Ford Transit, photographed on 22nd June 1999. Distribution Services vans of this type were a fairly common sight around central London, but this example has 'Engineering services' lettering rather than 'Support services', while closer inspection shows it also has 'Lifts escalators and pumps' department lettering. 4775F was indeed based at the not-too-distant Griffith House, and lasted for four and a half years from June 1997. I couldn't exactly place this photo at first. Colin had labelled it as being The Strand, which made me think of Zimbabwe House near Charing Cross, given the animal heads worked into the background architecture. However, the road in the foreground is evidently one way, and westbound on the basis of the sun's direction. So I had a look (on Google streetview) at the Aldwych end of the Strand (which is one way). However, I should have gone the other way. The building in the background is South Africa House, on the corner of the Strand and St Martins Place. The road here was one way at the time, but has since had an eastbound lane added for buses only.
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