- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Ray Monk
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:29/03/20
Details: The first 20-reg service vehicles were seen on a visit to Acton Works on 14th March 2020, and comprised four Ford Transits and a lone Renault Kangoo. The Transits were all medium-wheelbase, mid-height crew vans, this being one of the most popular combinations for LUL use at present. Delivery of a batch of similar crew vans with numbers in the range 8912F to 8923F had been on-going since mid-2019, but the latest deliveries were in a new batch, being numbered 9016F to 9019F. 9016F was photographed on the stub road, parked alongside a line of former LBSL Mercedes Sprinters awaiting disposal.
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