- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Derek Everson
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:25/09/19
Details: With a fairly steady supply of fleetlists now being received from Acton Works, the numbering of service vehicles is a lot easier to keep track of. Our main challenge now is to work out the allocations of individual vehicles, as this information is not made available. In some cases it appears to be quite straightforward. For example, three Renault Kangoo Maxi vans numbered 8935R to 8937R were delivered in June 2019 and have since been reported at Allsop Place (behind Baker Street) on a regular basis. Vans used for internal mail are often parked near here, but this trio instead seem to park right outside the offices, where the Mitsubishi L200 pick-ups used to be seen. There were three of the L200s, and they were withdrawn in May 2019, so perhaps the Renault vans are their replacements. If so, it is a bit of a come-down in terms of off-road capability and 'coolness'. Photographed at Allsop Place just after sunrise on 17th September 2019 was Kangoo Maxi 8937R, with sisters 8936R in front and 8935R behind.
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