- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Thomas Young
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:18/10/17
Details: There is a bit of irony to this photo. Towards the end of September 2017 I was putting the finishing touches to a new SUP24 booklet for LOTS, listing the current service vehicle fleets. On the 28th I decided it was as complete as I could make it, and I sent off the 'final' draft. I decided I needed a bit of a break from service vehicles so, the next morning, I headed out for a day of doing something else. However, almost the first thing I saw was this Renault Kangoo Maxi van parked on Faraday Avenue in Sidcup. Numbered 8576R, it had been in service for a couple of weeks but had not been seen, and hence was not included in SUP24H. So, the book was out of date even before it had been published. Ho hum....
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