- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Malcolm Glover
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:27/11/11
Details: The London Bus Preservation Trust moved from its long-standing home at Cobham to the Brooklands complex in 2011, with a new purpose-built shed to house some of the exhibits. The three service vehicles were among the vehicles moved in and a line-up was staged during an event on 23rd October 2011. They are Ford 100E van 1096F, Bedford CALV ambulance 1492B and Bedford-Scammell mobile canteen 702B. It would be nice if they could add a Ford Transit or Escort van, to represent the 1970s. Note part of the banked race track visible in the background.
Comments (Most recent at top)
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Clive GI'd always assumed it was an arm rest to assist manual signalling in the absence of indicators.Mon 05/01/15, 22:20
Thomas YoungWhat is the thing that looks like a handrail across the bottom of the cabside window on 702B? I was asked this question recently and I had to reply that I had no idea. Flicking through the Capital Transport SV book, it seems that quite a few (but not all) Bedfords had this feature. Could it be a handrail for staff riding on the running board? Or does the photo of 807B on page 73 hold a clue? It shows the passenger resting his elbow on the rail. Could it simply be to protect the top edge of the window glass from damage when wound down?Fri 02/01/15, 21:54