- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Thomas Young
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:28/03/10
Details: Anyone perusing the sighting reports on this website may have been curious to know what the 'Annexe' to Arriva London's Barking Garage was. Well, here it is. Arriva took over a small industrial premises next door to the main garage, and use it mainly for parking of the fleet of 12 or so crew ferry cars. Single deck buses have also been seen in the building, while cars also park in the area to the right. On 18th March 2010 just two cars were visible, being Vauxhall Corsas 94 and 103. The main garage entrance is to the left of this view, although the yard does extend behind the building shown. One oddity is that the parking notices mention Arriva London but are headlined Sovereign Recovery.
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