- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Les Savine
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:13/09/09
Details: This van is slightly enigmatic. New in Spring 2004 and based at the Westbourne Park garage of First London it was mysteriously absent from the sightings logs until March this year. Les was the second person to report it (and also photographed it) at Hammersmith on 29th August 2009. The van is a Vauxhall Vivaro in the usual First London livery of red with yellow hatches. It would have been interesting to see if it had a fleetnumber, the First numbering being particularly peculiar. However, where carried, fleetnumbers are usually on the offside. Presumably the vehicle has not been reported due to it spending most of its time hidden in the depths of the garage.
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