- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Les Wrangle
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:08/08/07
Details: I feel rather cruel reproducing these photographers somewhat larger than the actual models, but this just serves to show the level of detail incorporated. Les writes:
This started life as a Morris LD van made by Trackside models. Once again, dismantle the model by drilling the rivet in the base, taking care not to damage the base. Now comes the tricky bit. Cut the body in half, just behind the doors, using a razor saw. Next I cut out the base leaving the road springs in place along with the fuel tank. At this point I stuck a piece of plastic on top of the fuel tank to give it some depth with liquid plastic cement. I then cut a square of plasticard greater than the cab part of the body, and stuck the two together using Araldite, leaving about 1/8 inch proud on all four sides. When dry, I trimmed off the excess on the two sides and the top (roof), finishing off with a file. The bottom edge I trimmed until it allowed the cab to sit at right angles to the base, so that it sits neatly. The body is scratch built from plastistruct and brass wire for the handrails making a number of dry fits. Once I was satisfied the whole model fitted together well, I spray painted the cab and body in primer. The topcoat is BMC Tundra Green (which is the closest to Chiswick Green) supplied by Halfords. I then stuck the whole model together, cutting the glazing to fit into the new cab. The seats/steering wheel/dash, were also painted a shade of brown, picking out the steering wheel in black. When the whole unit is dry, add transfers and the model is complete.
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