- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: James Mair
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:01/06/07
Details: As has been mentioned already on this site (see here), Mercedes-Benz 410D 2533M was delivered as a dropside but soon rebuilt as a box truck. In its modified form, it was found parked at South Harrow Station during the time this location was used by the Emergency Response Unit.
Comments (Most recent at top)
Posted ByCommentsDate/Time
1260F2533M was the first 'signal courier' van used by ERU when the function of emergency deliveries of signalling equipment was dumped on ERU. Previously, the Signal Department had a Transit van and 4 shift-working staff, based at Whitechapel, to undertake this role. The 4 staff positions were transferred to ERU, but not the vehicle. 2533 looks rather pristine and undented, so the picture must be from very early in its ERU career, poor thing led a hard life!!Sat 22/09/07, 17:23
Kim RenniePresumably this was the then-current ''signal courior van'' of which, for many years, there has always been one in the fleet. They don't have rubber-lined shelves anymore however.Thu 21/06/07, 17:38