- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Julian Bowden-Green
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:14/11/06
Details: Two of these chunky-looking AEC Mercury lorries were bought in the early 1970s, being the last AEC vehicles supplied new to London Transport. They were used to carry large loads (such as bus engines) between Chiswick works and the 60-plus bus garages then in use. 1840Q was based at Stockwell, where it was photographed on 27th October 1977, while 1841Q covered north London from Walthamstow. It would be interesting to know why these vehicles were ordered as the heavier models in the Ford D-series would have appeared just as capable. The object between the cab and the dropside body is believed to be the fuel tank.
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