- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Damon Cross
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:04/07/06
Details: This van surprised Damon coming out of Merton garage on 30th June 2006, although he managed to catch this snap of it speeding away. Although its current ownership or operator is not known, it was certainly an SV in the past. Part of a batch of 10 high-roof Transit vans delivered in January 1993 and numbered in the owned series as 2512F-2521F, K208RLO became 2517F. Most were allocated to the commercial advertising department at Jamestown Road, and all had left the fleet by the end of that year, presumably when this section was sold to TDI. It would be ironic if, some 13 years later, it has returned to being a service vehicle.
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