- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Ray Monk
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:23/03/06
Details: This photo taken at Eltham Bus Station on 20th March 2006 is more interesting than it first appears. The van in the foreground is Y732KAE, thought to be working from Arriva Kent Thameside's Dartford Depot. Most small vans used by Arriva are Vauxhall Combos. In the background is one of Metrobus's Ford Transit Connect vans. What caught my eye was the bus. Is it Stagecoach or Arriva?! The truth is that Arriva had taken over the contract for route 162 the weekend before and was awaiting delivery of new buses. In the meantime, they were hiring vehicles from Stagecoach, the previous operator of the route, who strangely enough had a few buses spare!
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