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Frank Pick House at Acton is in the gap between Bollo House and the lorry yard of Acton Works, and there is now through road access between all three sites. All three adjoin the LUL District and Piccadilly lines and can be clearly seen from trains, though the service vehicles at Bollo House are unfortunately hidden by the building itself. Frank Pick House is currently used by the Lifts and Escalators division, and about 45 vehicles are currently listed as being 'allocated' here. However, the location is similar to Griffith House in that many of the vehicles are actually kept elsewhere. Between 6 and 12 can usually be seen at Frank Pick House, and these seem to regularly change. If you pass by often enough, you will probably see all 45, eventually! Parked outside on 11th September 2021 were Toyota Yaris car 8781T (it is quite rare to see cars here) and regular resident 8400F. The latter is unusual for being a medium wheelbase Ford Transit Custom crew van. The type is the most common at this location, but all other examples are short wheelbase. The LUL tracks are on the right, while the two Transit dropside trucks that are normally here are just visible behind 8400F. MAN lorry RK14ETT has its own bay here (q.v.), the zebra crossing on the right of this photo showing its relative location.
Photo ID: 6924
Photo date: 11/09/2021 Size: Regular. An extra large copy of this photo is available.
Date added: 22/09/2021
Note added Sun 26/09/2021 by Ray

There is no open connection from Bollo House to the other two sites. 8219 has a bay at the end of Bollo House which is self-contained.